[center][color=aqua][h1]Alberich[/h1][/color][/center] [quote=Bobby Sands]Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.[/quote] [color=silver]Keeping his weapon at the ready, Alberich took careful study of the necromancer and his zombies. The necromancer appeared frail, hardly fit for combat unless he dared to try cast his magic. The corpses appeared weak just like their master; fragile to the point that Alberich could slice through them with one quick swing, yet something was suspicious. Alberich knew that necromancers dabbled in imbuing their minions with enhancements, and it was sure that Caractacus had one or more tricks up his sleeve. Still, Caractacus seemed genuinely afraid of Kathryn and Alberich, and the latter wondered how to put the necromancer to use if his words were, indeed, true. Balancing his weapon on in his arms, Alberich dug into a pocket and pulled out a small match and a tobacco-like substance. Taking a second to light the substance, Alberich took a huff before speaking to Caractacus.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"Now, now, don't be in such a rush, lad. I ain't so much trusting of those who use magic, much less a necromancer."[/b][/color] [color=silver] Another huff was had. [/color][color=aqua][b]"However, if you so much had the gall to tell the Dark Lord off, you might be okay in my book."[/b][/color] [color=silver] Alberich explained, his eyes darting around the forest for any sign of foes. Anything could be hiding in the forest, especially when the necromancer claimed his previous connections to the Dark Lord.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"How'd ya like to strike a deal, Caractacus? You look like you could use some meat on your bones, which both of us can easily gather. We're on a quest to kill as many soldiers of the Dark Lord as we can. Take back what was ours--from the simple farming village to the most majestic of cities--in other terms. Come with us."[/b][/color] [color=silver] Alberich explained, as he nodded with the small cigar towards the city guard.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"All you gotta do is let our buddy guardsman go. If you'll be walking with the resistance, I won't be having any raised once friendly soldiers. Ain't right refusing good people a peaceful slumber."[/b][/color] [color=silver]Alberich stated, glancing at Kathryn for a few seconds, and then back to the necromancer. Caractacus could be a valuable asset for their fight against the nearby orcish hordes and other Dark Lord stragglers, but Kathryn had yet to voice her opinion.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"So, what'll it be, Caractacus? Fight again, or keep up your flight?"[/b][/color] [color=silver]Alberich asked, huffing his cigar as he waited for an answer.[/color] [hr] [center][@dereken][@Remipa Awesome][/center]