I must agree with [@IceHeart]. While I am all for people of different races (I'm mixed, myself) being portrayed in media, recently they've compromised media in order to promote an agenda. Movie studios are casting people specifically because they are minorities, instead of casting the best actor choices. [@mdk]Honestly Idras Elba being made into Roland was the dumbest thing. He's literally modeled after Clint Eastwood, and they went with Idras Elba because he was black. That's the most base example of compromising media. Honestly, I feel like this is just as bad as casting actors because they are conventionally attractive. Like the Dwarves in the Hobbit movies. Those are not the Dwarves from the Hobbit (I should know, I used to read it once a year in school. Read it about 6-7 times). Yet they cast these male models, and these very skinny men, into Dwarves. I fucking hated it (I'm a huge Dwarf fan if you cannot tell). All I want is consistency. Just be accurate with who you cast, and stray true to what the story is. Don't bring politics or sex appeal into a story, at least to the point it compromises it.