[h2][center][color=007236]Gabriel Moreau - Mountains[/color][/center][/h2] [center][@Solace][@Aquanthe][@Ambra][/center] [hr] For the most part, an avalanche wasn't something that Gabriel had worried about. Not because he didn't fear it, but rather because it wasn't the biggest issue on his mind. It was the titans. As resolved as he was to defend the wall, or so he told himself, the titans were something he feared immensely. He continued to think of the nightmare that plagued his dreams the night prior, like it was some kind of parasite that burrowed deeply through his thoughts. He looked over to Tanner, his heart beginning to slow down for once. Tanner had a soothing presence to Gabriel, causing the boy to slow down a bit and to walk close to the smaller boy. He smiled down gently at the boy, stealthily reaching for a hand underneath his cloak. Even if it was as cold as ever outside, their hands seemed to warm up quickly. Gabriel wasn't sure if it was because of himself or Tanner, but it didn't matter much to him. What seemed hilarious to Gabriel however was the difference in their hand size. While Gabriel was a giant, Tanner seemed so small and fragile. It was an adorable thing to him, but he decided to keep that to himself, not wanting to grab any unwanted attention from any of the others. His fingers slowly slid in between the gaps of Tanner's and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. The trip down was relatively peaceful, aside from the shouts of others giving orders, or the occasional fall onto the ground. Gabriel was beginning to feel at ease; that was until the guides began to shout something that sent his heart sinking. An avalanche was not something Gabriel had worried about...until now. He looked up, spotting the rushing wall of white that slowly became worse and worse through every second it descended upon them. Looking down at Tanner, he picked the small boy up, heaving him up onto his back, and ran down towards the safe zone as quickly as he could. Gabriel wasn't particularly fast, but he made up for it with his strength as he plowed through the snow with little effort. He looked around, as if trying to spot any familiar face, but all that he could see were fleeing soldiers coming from all directions. [color=007236]"Damn it....[b]damn it![/b] Stay calm Gabriel..."[/color] The feeling of dread began to creep up his spine as he descended even faster. The sound of the avalanche charging towards them only helped to increase Gabriel's heart rate as he looked upon the safe zone with eager eyes. Noticing a random soldier fall onto the ground, Gabriel placed Tanner a bit ahead of him and gave him a gentle push, as if trying to get him to move towards the safe zone without him. The courage within Gabriel surfaced as he trudged even deeper into the snow, grabbing the unknown soldier out from the snow with a strong grip onto their coat, and yanked them out from underneath. [color=007236]"Come on! You're a soldier! Move!"[/color] He yelled out, helping them to their feet, and started his way towards Tanner, his eyes glued to the small, blonde figure. [color=007236]Keep moving...don't stop...if you stop, you're dead. You can't protect them. Wait...them? Is Reese safe? Is Olivia safe!? [i]Damn it, I should have checked![/i][/color] There was no time to think...only to act. He pushed forward, looking around him as he tried to spot his companions.