[@IceHeart]Hi I just watched homecoming and I had plenty of issues with the film, but i think the racial casting raises some interesting points. First and foremost for the most part, I don't like race-lifting, if you want to have more diverse character then just make new ones, instead of changing old ones. The Michelle/MJ character didn't bother me too much because as you say she was a new character with MJ being a homage/reference. Flash's casting really annoyed me, not so much because he was small and indian but more because he wasn't even really a bully, he was just a snarky douche who was actually in Peter's friend circle which was just bizzare. He had very little character beyond being sarcastic and cowardly. Now as far as his race, one thing ive learned to accept is that the comics are in a totally different universe, Iron Man had is Origin Story in Afganistan instead of Vietnahm because makes sense with the times. Queens is one of the mos multi ethnic places in America in 2017 so a bit of racial difference makes a lot of sense. Also lets not pretend the other spiderman movies had Flash faithfully portrayed [hider=Movie vs comics] [img]http://www.worldsofimagination.co.uk/Flashthompson1.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/spiderman-films/images/8/86/2002_Flash_Thompson.png/revision/latest?cb=20130105052931[/img] [/hider] Also, I notice you didn't mention it, but some people have an issue with the Vulture's character having a daughter who's half black. Now anyone who's actually read the comics would realise that Vulture has always had a multi-racial family, albeit in the form of a black adopted grandson. With the same motivation to steal to make money for. The comics actually do a damn good job of representing races even before the Marvel Agenda series. So yeah overall, my point is that movies just exist on a different reality, but I agree that homecoming had some poor casting choices.