Engines thundered and Giggles decided that whoever was lurking in the coat wasn't worth it. He sent them a friendly bullet or two as if to say, 'nice to meet you, but kindly fuck off.' When he spun to the sound of the drone, regretting the loss of his eyes, he found that not to be a problem either. [color=darkkhaki]"Good boy,"[/color] he snarled, grinning under his mask. Giggles didn't think too hard about where Marco had picked up the bike or the babe. He was third-wheeling with a second-wave goth and a first-rate knife fighter, anyway, so it was probably just some lucky accident. The woman with the harpoon caught his attention with more than just looks, though. Not many people carried explosives in their pockets and the type that did correlated quite well with rooftop sniping, and even better with blowing themselves up. Giggles yelled to the bike as it skidded with the force of Anya's departure but didn't wait for the crash. [colour=darkkhaki][i]"Look for a ship!"[/i][/colour] Y'know, just in case he forgot. The woman with the knife found Giggles's hands under her shoulders before she stopped skidding, and took a lift back to her feet. [color=darkkhaki]"We have the girl. Let's go!"[/color]