If Nathan had thought that there would be no repurcussions for his actions, something that is highly unlikely considering precisely where he was, then he was very much mistaken. No sooner had he thrown the tray - something that the Governor of the prison would probably have to ban because of his actions - than the flare of a forcefield crackled into life and sent the tray spinning away from the observing party on the gantryway. Captain August Argyle barely even blinked an eye, having seen more than his fair share of combat zones, taking a little more interest as the prison guards (not the Arbites, they were reserved for special occurences) closed in on Nathan, several of them bringing extendable batons to bear with flicks of their wrists. "You've been warned enough times, Hall!" Shouted one of them from behind his half-face helmet, "this is the final straw, you lunatic." Before Nathan had a chance to move, as if there was anywhere [i]to move[/i] to, one guard had already cracked him across the back of his legs, others gripping his limbs as they dragged him bodily from the table and dumped him without ceremony onto the cold, hard, floor of the canteen; for further emphasis he was booted repeatedly, hard enough to bruise but not so hard as to break anything, heavy-duty boots finally ceasing to attack him as the Captain began to speak. His stern voice was amplified through speakers on the walls of the canteen, piercing blue eyes sweeping over the human dross as he spoke, glaring out from beneath his peaked cap. "A war is being fought not far from here, a holy crusade to bring several systems back into the light of the Imperium and the authority of our beloved God-Emperor," his words were sure and strong, much like his resolve, "soldiers die out on the field every day, good soldiers, while scum like yourselves sit here in luxury and need not fear for your lives...but that is about to change, for I have been sent here to raise the First Redemption Penal Legion, meaning that some of you may even be fortunate enough to redeem yourselves in the eyes of Him on Terra." For a moment he paused, pulling a dataslate from his jacket and seemingly studying it with some intensity, before looking back up and continuing. "We will take volunteers but, should there be a shortage, we will simply take you instead. Should you wish to volunteer, make yourselves known to the guards, who will take you to a holding cell in the eastern wing. I will be there shortly." The Eastern Wing was the arrival (and departure) wing for the prison complex, where new shipments of inmates arrived and the dead were returned to space, it also held the facilities supplies, uniforms and so on. It was as secure an area as any other in the prison, and more well guarded than the Governor's own quarters, a place where a man may see the back of this shithole if he should be so lucky. [hider=Please read] Okay, so, your characters will need to grab a guards attention before being escorted to the eastern wing and the huge holding cell there; I leave it to you as to how you want to do this etc, and will post again once our willing (or unwilling) volunteers are all there. You can be the first to arrive, you can be the last, it doesn't matter. The cell is simply a huge, empty, area minus a few benches bolted to the floor and the obvious bars (likely with a forcefield beyond them) as well as a multitude of guards. I look forward to seeing what you write, and we'll get to the action eventually.[/hider]