[hr][hr] [center][color=FCBA7C][h1]Sombra Burke[/h1] [img]http://www.telefilmaddicted.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/tumblr_nexx3d4Ek51rtocego1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Cedar Ash Inn. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Callie Lenson ([@Caits]), James Burke ([@Damo021]), and Alexis Farreacher ([@Legion02]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=FCBA7C]“..no…”[/color] Her attention drawn away from the happy little reunion quite some time ago, Sombra’s lips turned up in a small smirk. Well… that certainly didn’t take as long as she thought; it was a hard thing to do, but she had to admit, for once… she was a tad bit impressed. The gentle scrape of the leather against bark of the large tree in the front was what had first let her know that they were no longer alone. The accelerated heartbeat of one… the rather slow and steady beating of another. So there were two of them… at least for now. It was clear that if her mother was there waiting; her darling brother wouldn’t be too far behind. There was no doubt in her mind that her mother had told Alexander about this the very moment she’d found out that she was back in town. [color=FCBA7C]“..no, it’s fine. I think I can manage on my own.”[/color] Turning her attention back to the woman in front of her, her smirk softened down into a smile, her hand lifting up to lightly brush a few stray strands of hair back and off her face as she continued on, the soft glint in her eyes a sign that (just like normal) she wasn’t going to be taking no as an answer from any of them on her decisions, [color=FCBA7C]“..besides, it’s not like our room number ever changes; and I’m sure that you and your… little witch have things that you need to get done today. I think that we’ve taken up enough of your morning; and we’ll be here for a few days, so there’s plenty of time to catch up later, don’t worry…”[/color] Shooting a quick wink towards Callie, she reached out her hand, taking a hold of the bags one by one that James had carried in from the car, making sure she had a hold of them before she began to make her way towards the stairs, pausing and turning herself back to look at them as she hit the second one, [color=FCBA7C]“James; if you want to see your sister… now would be the best time to go; and when you do… you may want slip out the back, because I know for a fact you won’t like what’s waiting for you out the front.”[/color] Holding his gaze for just a bit longer knowing that in the end he would take her advice like he always did, Sombra turned, once more making her way up the stairs, she followed the old though ever familiar path that led to the room that she and James had always shared whenever they had needed a place to stay. It hadn’t changed… or at least, it hadn’t changed from what she could tell. Though whether or not that was coincidental or on purpose, she couldn’t tell. A gentle sigh falling out through her lips, Sombra made her way forward, placing the bags one by one down onto the bed before she glanced about, her dark gaze coming to a rest on the far window that looked out over the front, no hesitation seeming to come through her actions as she wandered over towards it, her arm lifting and the tips of her fingers brushing lightly over the curtains as she pulled it to the side, only holding it open just a tad so that she could look out over the front yard, the small smirk that she had earlier once again gracing her beautiful features as she spotted her mother standing in the shade of the large tree, with what looked like a young pup in her arms. [color=FCBA7C]“..and let the games begin…”[/color]