Sky's eyes widened in fascination as the cat in front of him morphed into a human teenage boy. He did not seem threatening at all, so the child stayed where he was after standing back up. "Oh... you're human!" Blake raised an eyebrow at the boy who was a white cat just a second ago, surprised, but at this point, finding it believable considering everything else that had happened to them throughout the day. "You're a... cat shifter..." the cryokinetic observed, before shaking his head. "Whatever. You said he had a problem with 'our kind', yet he's trying not to hurt us? That makes no sense." Sky tugged on his brother's sleeve, an idea coming to mind. "What if he's like Azzurra? Maybe he can suddenly turn evil too." Blake thought back to his sister, to Rossa. Sky had a point, but he would wait for the telepathic cat shifter to confirm it. He let out a sigh. "You know Sky, I like how you can make me seem like an idiot at times." "I'm sorry..." "No, keep doing that. You're a bright kid," Blake simply stated, before turning back to the cat-shifting telepath. "So is that true? Does your friend have some savage, bloodthirsty side too?" If it was true, Blake hoped that he could get some clue as to how they could get Azzurra back. [@Letmehaveone2]