It keeps slipping mu mind that you're doing a fiffernet timeframe then I am xD Yeah that works for me ^^ What I haf in mind was that Bryce's grandfather (who he doesn't really know since the other doesn't visit -as much as he used to- the kingdom due to disagreements with his son-and-law) is a mage amd he's able to warp time for a few seconds which allowed Byrce to escape while another, already dead wolf (that looks exactly like the prince) took his place. If that's too much let me know, its just an idea that came out of nowhere. And yes, I'll edit that in as well, slipped my mind xD Ill explain it all in the next post when Bryce isn't dying of wolfsbane and injures his body cant heal xD Everything will make sense! So explain again -sorry x.x- the extensions? I think I did it on purpose to give a bit more of a backstory, I think x3