[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] [@ONL] - Alexander was able to move away from the well without issue thankfully, it would have sucked if he had slipped and fell into the well. The snow would take care of the thirst for a while and even ease the hunger pangs for a time. Yet more than a mouthful or two and he would start feeling a bit colder. The snow wasn't fluffy, it was like a flavorless Slushpuppy at this time on the top surfaces of the snow drifts. The sun was warming things up more and on darker clothing it might even start to feel a bit warm. This was a good thing. While Georgia heat was usually a curse, the states ability to warm up fast after mass freezes was welcome most of the time. Now the humidity was another thing. People would always complain that it wasn't the heat that got you, it was the humidity. There was truth to this. Even in colder weather humidity could be a curse, it made the moisture stick to your skin and with even the softer winds right now could send a chill for you. Breathing it in also made lungs a bit tighter during cold snaps than if you were breathing cold air that was dry. Didn't help the joints at all either, older or injured joints ached like no tomorrow in the state with any shift in the weather. Georgia was no place for retirees. Only good thing is this wasn't Chicago right now, the winds weren't making things even worse and taking away any heat the sun provided. The rumble happened again, a bit stronger than last time. It wasn't just felt where Alexander was but through Newnan as well. It was a bit duller where Alexander was and seemed to be stronger the further south one went. It wasn't particularly strong and it could easily go unnoticed, especially if one was in a building - you just wouldn't notice it at all then. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/523ed7050654d50bbae4eb51a3735349/tumblr_inline_n767baVN661szvbv0.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building A (Ash's House)[/center][hr] [color=0072bc]"Oh I plan on making sure you follow through with that,"[/color] Thana teased lightly as she pressed her hands against his chest. Her tongue running along her lips for a moment, savoring the taste he left on them. She wanted to stay right where they were and pick up where they had left off last night. There were still plenty of rooms left in the house that hadn't been [i]broken in[/i] yet but she knew that would have to wait. Ash had work to do, especially with everything that had happened because of James and the man still wasn't outside the wall yet from what she knew. Stepping back away from him she straightened her clothing a bit and checked the time. It seemed they had spent a decent amount of time between Ash's little reflection after everyone had left the scene and speaking in private. [color=0072bc]"But that can wait until tonight, right now it seems we need to get back on the clock,"[/color] she said in a bit more formal tone. Turning she looked back over to him and reached out, hugging him gently. It would probably be the last bit of affection she would give him until things settled down later on. [color=0072bc]"Just tell me what you need,"[/color] she added as she looked up at him and let him go. Thana didn't know what James job had been here really, what void would be left other than an emotional one. Hell she didn't know where she would fit in now but the more the day progressed the more she was sure she would be sticking it out in Newnan for sometime, if only because of Ash. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin Comfort[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/10/18/2f99eb5f-a2b2-4e86-bfc1-3fa19bcd42db/clayne-hair-11.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Agriculture[/center][hr] Gavin made his way to Agriculture with his escort, glancing around the place a bit and spotting a couple of guards, and then James stepping out and handing one of them a small bag filled with what he didn't know. The man took it and then spotted Gavin and his armed man beside him walking over to them. Gavin had a goofy grin on his face and waved towards James. [color=f26522]"Hey man, listens, cans I haves a words with yas real fast? Gots a little proposition for yous,"[/color] he said as he tipped his hat to Backwoods Hogger. Gavins escort just wanted this over with and it seemed it was written all over his face. The man wanted to be done with this and if that meant Gavin leaving he was fine with that at this point. Over in the Franklin area, Benny opened his door and yawned a bit. Seemed he had slept through everything. Granted he had drank some last night and wasn't due on shift for another five hours. His quirked a brow as he looked at the couple, Peaches bounding out between his legs and hopping around the two of them before dashing off into the snow. Benny let him go, the dog was known for roaming the city freely at this point. He seemed to one of two pets and he was a lot friendlier than the orange cat. "Everything okay?" he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck and tried to wake up a bit more, quirking his brow a bit as he felt a small vibration but figuring it was a chill running through him since he was standing barefoot with snow piled up around the building. Miss Sally on the other hand was wide awake. Having poured the two of them a nice cup of tea and setting down a box of hobnobs in front of Ravi. "Peachtree City..." she said, not asking if she had heard right. Sighing she sat down and took a small sip of tea. "The place is called Eden..." she explained before going into a quick summary of what she knew about the place. It didn't take long to tell Ravi about Thana's sister Zoie who had died due to a gunshot wound from them and others that had perished. About how ruthless they were. "Bloody hell, if that's where he is going part of me wants to warn him, part of me wants to join him. Those buggars need to be taken care of," she ended her little speech about the place with and shook her head. Looking over at the clock on her wall she sighed. She needed to get dressed and wanted to tell James good bye. "Give me a minute if you would get get out of my bunny slippers. Go ahead, enjoy your spot of tea, I shant be but a moment," she said standing up and gathering her clothing before heading into the bathroom of her apartment. Gavin was either a very honorable man or down right crazy. From what Ravi had told her so far, he was both. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Infirmary (Building 1)[/center][hr] Tatiana smiled at Niesha has she agreed to be her midwife and looked over towards Froggy waiting for an answer. "But of course little bird. Good idea! We can start lessons tomorrow, you will need a check up anyways. Will teach Niesha all I know, she will do good I think," he said as he grabbed a wheel chair and moved it over to Jack, winking slightly. "Be careful, yes. Sidewalks and roads should be okay but don't let her drive herself yet. Need good control, no letting her go sledding in this," he joked before stepping back and starting to clean up a bit since he was done patching her up. [color=a187be]"Dank you,"[/color] she said to both Froggy and Niesha as she took the supplies Niesha handed her. Looking over to Jack she made a move as if she was about to get off the table on her own. It was slow and halfway playful, nearing daring him to let her feet touch the floor before he could move to put her in the wheel chair. [color=a187be]"Okay, ve eat vhen I done. Let head to gate. Vant to talk to James,"[/color] she said softly. This was not how she had wanted to start out her honeymoon and while she was hungry that could wait, the food would keep a little while longer. Right now James was what was important to her. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reily[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Supply (Building 7)[/center][hr] "You're what?!?!?" Jim exclaimed, eying Ryan like the man had just lost his ever loving mind. [color=fff79a]"I'm leaving Newnan, now, since you're loading for for James anyways. Come with me to the armory to get my shit and escort me to the fuckin' gate like yer supposed to when I check my weapons out,"[/color] Ryan said shouldering his bug out bag that Newnan provided each resident and dropping his personal one on the ground inside of Supply. "But why? You and James aren't friends, are you?" Jim asked, really damned confused to what was going on. If anyone was going to leave he figured it would have been someone like Richard, you know before his head got cracked open by James axe, or even Beatrice since James and her were friends from what he could see. But Ryan? It didn't make any sense. [color=fff79a]"Simple, ain't no one got any business being out there alone if they can help it. And no we aren't friends but I don't hate the man either. Really can't say I blame him for what he did, I've wanted to crack ol' Dick's skull open myself a few times,"[/color] Ryan said with a grin. Jim couldn't believe this. James had tons of friends in Newnan, so there was a list a mile long that would probably be willing to go out with him. Granted no one had said anything yet. Thinking on it, it kind of made Jim a bit sad. James had been here as long as he had, was friends with almost everyone, but the ex-con was the only one so far willing to step outside of the wall with James to have his back? "Well if that don't beat all.... um, okay," he said before picking up his radio and sending out a radio to Ash to let him know what was up. "Boss, I am taking a slight detour back to the armory. Ryan is leaving Newnan," he informed the Captain. Ryan smirked a bit as he picked up his personal bag and headed towards the door. [color=fff79a]"Fuck man, that announcement might have just made Ash's day,"[/color] Ryan chuckled as Jim headed out the door with him and over to James truck. Tossing his bags in the back of the truck he then climbed into the passenger side and waited for Jim to join him. Ryan sighed a bit, he hoped Chloe showed up at the gate to say goodbye to James so he could as well. If not, he'd just have to deal with no goodbye to her. Maybe it was better that way. Sighing he felt a bit of a vibration but chalked it up to the gurgling in his stomach. He hadn't grabbed breakfast. Grabbing Jim's wrist as he got in the truck, Ryan took a look at the time. T-Minus Twenty-Five minutes and counting until James had be outside the wall.