[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=goldenrod][center]Aiden Shaw[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img] https://68.media.tumblr.com/714441674c547926fe17589f37d040cf/tumblr_o3ozt3dsCc1to50reo1_500.jpg [/img][hr][Color=Goldenrod]Location:[/color] Lady Lucks[/center][hr] Aiden raised a hand to pause the proceeding ramblings of the rag-tag group while he eyed the couple. Slowly breathing out a long puff of smoke as he watched how they moved, how they looked at each other, how far they would wonder from one another, where they looked, what they looked at. Mannerism, attire, body language. Aiden drank it all in as naturally as one breathes air. A bet was no fun unless he was part of it. It was no challenge if he left it all to luck. [color=Goldenrod]"Right'o, you probably would scare him off, her too."[/color] He says with a teasing chuckle as he turns back to the group. Counting through the scraps of his remaining cash, speaking from the corner of his mouth that didn't hold the cigaret Aiden humours the man as he thinks over his money. [color=Goldenrod]"Say you get her alone. Then what?"[/color] Aiden listens to the response. [color=Goldenrod]"Forget the tenner guys, think you can match all this?"[/color] he asks holding out his hands cupping his cash. [color=Goldenrod]"Ya each name a crazy yet fair challenge and if I meet just one of em, this gets doubled."[/color] He looks up to the strangers as he puffs his cigaret without the aid of his hands. [color=Goldenrod]"Well guys? Unless you'd rather watch train wreck 'ere make a fool of himself.[/color] Aiden was now going in all or nothing. If he was a greedy man he would have taken that cash to a card table and easily doubled it in a few short hours. But Aiden liked a challenge and the thrill of a new gamble. Here it was all on the line. It seemed it would be completely unpredictable and random, but nothing that people ever say or do is truly at random.