Guardian had enough of this bullshit. He walked right up to Batwoman. "I don't give a flying fuck what your problem with Slade is. Right now you and dinosaur boy are the ones slowing us down. Both of you get your head out of your ass. If you want to keep Slade from Rose you are going through me first. Batgirl is in trouble because of you and Batman, not to mention the others. Now are you going to shut up and get to work or do we have to continue this dick measuring contest? I'm good either way, I don't have skin in this game but I sure as hell won't let you deny a man his family because of your self-righteous holier than thou ego bullshit." He was prepared to fight this bitch, he'd use every dirty trick, every underhanded measure. No one has the right to deny a man his family no matter what.