[h3]Chambala[/h3] "Sure, Rebecca." The fur clad woman replied with a smile and a nod." I actually would love to learn more!" She stated as they were heading towards the inn. She was open to learning, doubted she'd understand absolutely everything that her new friend would talk about, but hey even a little learned could help, also one never knew where inspiration might struck. A casual remark from her might inspire Rebecca in the future to reach her own ideas. "Well, I too have something I want to show you that I think you will find really interesting actually." Chambala said eventually to Rebecca with a sly smile, hinting that she was going to show her something special." I haven't shown it to anyone still, but I get the feeling you'd benefit from seeing it so might as well show you later." She explained as they were entering the inn. "We need 2 rooms!" She stated to the innkeeper when they were inside." One for hte two of us and one for him." She explained, pointing to herself and Rebecca and indicating the single room was for the suspicious fella with the hood.