[@Nariata] Oh well, the Tyranny game features a similar setting, where the protagonist is a commander of "The Empire" and they must eliminate a large group of remaining "Allied" troops stuck in a Canyon. As for your group, the Empire has two main factions, the Blood something something, and the "We are the elite hurr durr" guys who quarrel between each other non stop. The blood guys are basically fanatical conscripts with no equipment, only faith in the emperor, and the elite guys are jsut that: super geared elite guys. And yet again for the setting, the Emperor issued some kinda order which would bury the whole canyon in rocks in like a month or so if the player failed to kill the Allies (can't remmeber, played so long ago), so technically the enemy would be still guaranteed to lose. And we are kinda playing as them. This might just be total speculation and coincidence, but the similiarities in both settings are eerely similar. Of course I don't mind, Tyranny is flipping awesome.