[center][color=gray][h1]Dawkin Trustram[/h1][/color] [center][sub][@PlatinumSkink][@Pikmin Eye][/sub][/center] [color=gray]"Hm you may have a point, let's at least look down this path first though."[/color] Dawkin said in response to Martin's observations and they continued along the path. They found themselves in a room full of battling Geodudes and somewhat more prominently, a shining light that unmistakable pointed to the end of the tunnel. Before they could make a decision either way a trainer stepped out from the shadows of the cavern generated by that same light to obstruct them. Dawkin remembered that she was one of the trainers in the intial clash at the lab. Six Pokémon? Dawkin momentarily curled his mouth in distaste. To have that many Pokémon so fast, it seemed rushed. Were they all common Pokémon? Was it possible for her to find six individuals who were both the right match for her and her team? Or did she simply catch Pokémon until she had enough? Perhaps he was too quick to dodge, she had said she'd found the Pokémon she was looking for. Dawkin shrugged, [color=gray]"I have two Pokémon, I'm afraid I can't entertain you beyond that. Martin?"[/color] He grabbed his two pokeballs and twirled them between his fingers as he waited for Martin's decision, keeping an eye on the rolling Geodudes. [/center] [hr] [hider=Inventory] [b]Items[/b]: x1 Potion x5 Pokeball x2 Super-Potions x1 Escape rope x2 Repels x1 Awakening x1 Paralyze Heal x1 Antidote [b]Pokédollars[/b]: 22p.[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] [hider=Aron] [b][u]Atlas[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Type: [/b]Steel/Rock [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/fd/Spr_5b_304.png[/img] [b]Species[/b]: Aron [b]Level[/b]: 7 [b]Personality:[/b] A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] Fill in as we go. Probably [b]Moves[/b]: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt [b]Ability[/b]: Sturdy. Allows the pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. [b]Held Item[/b]: [/hider] [hider=Wooper][center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/78/194Wooper.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/lQ3oOD4.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: ♀ [b]Type[/b]: Water/Ground [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: [b]Level[/b]: 6 [b]Moves[/b]: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport [b]Ability[/b]: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. [b]Held Item[/b]: None.[/hider] [/hider]