[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lIZtjvy.png[/img][h3][color=92278f][b]Bonesword[/b][/color][/h3][@Awesomoman64][@Ryonara][@Lmpkio][@KoL][/center] [color=92278f][b]"I'll do what I can. Just hoping my illusions don't try and mess with me too badly."[/b][/color] Bonesword called as he raised a wall of various plant matter from the ground, blocking off the oncoming wave of Angels from messing with the Machina forces. As Bonesword did this, he tried to ignore the taunting Rhine beside him, becoming increasingly louder as Bonesword continued towards his path into the Oblivion Dungeon. [color=firebrick]"Wonderin' how you managed to kill me so long ago, you with your dinky old sword. I still can't believe you have that toothpick with you."[/color] Bonesword ignored the ghostly illusion of Rhine as it fired a single shot at him, the bullet phasing through Bonesword's body and impacting the wall off to the side. After the shot was fired though, something interesting happened. Rhine materialized into some form of goop on the ground, no more than a puddle, as the large figure of Helena rose from the goop and spoke to Bonesword, offering him a chance to take his destiny in his own hands. Immediately after the vampire finished her statement, Bonesword responded with his opinion on the offer. [b][color=92278f]"Destiny isn't something that should be meddled with. We all decide our fate, and mine was decided long ago after a certain Brock Sinclair left the world. I'm more than happy to control my own fate on my own terms. I reject your offer... politely, however."[/color][/b] As Bonesword finished his statement, he continued to keep the wall held up by his willpower alone, although a clouded thought of a shadowy silhouetted illusion entered the area, carrying with him a legendary sword. [color=92278f][b]"It's not real... it's not real..."[/b][/color]