[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8gBNBNv.png[/img][h3][color=00a651][u]The Frog[/u][/color][/h3][@Lonewolf685][@Ryonara][/center] [color=00a651][u]"We aren't of any threat to you. Especially me,"[/u][/color] the Frog admitted, trying to keep him and Luci alive, although that was kind of pointless as the two twins began dueling each other right in front of him and the princess. While it was sad to see the two twins fighting (especially after they saved his and Luci's lives), this was the opportunity to get away from the madness. Eagerly and quickly, the Frog scooped up Luci in his felt arms, which was a struggle but manageable in any case, and he did what he could as he bolted towards a small section of the maze, secluded off from the rest. Once there, he placed Luci on the ground and he started to check her for injuries, although he doubted that she had any. [u][color=00a651]"Sorry for the sudden movement, I didn't want you hurt."[/color][/u]