[Center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170520/26dced8723ed582634a3ba47edccd7b1.png[/img][/center] To think that the madness would be over for now, nope, not yet no how. Alice was relieved to know that the court session was almost over, taking a sigh and resting her head in her arms. Then she heard Bliss yelp, twice really . She looked over to where the nanny was as to find the infinite trap and conquest undressing. Resulting in one of the best [url=https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.SjGj4osSHhsBBQ5fQK4aLAEsEs&pid=15.1]disapproval[/url] faces that the recon could have made. Alice proceded to slam her face onto the surface of the podium till Davis turned the attention to her. Only one thing was in her thoughts as her pokerface was closest to the familiar emoticon, [color=f6989d][i]"yOU GREEDY DIRTBAG-"[/i][/color] She quickly repositioned herself as she started to state her thoughts. [color=9e0039]"First off, get your clothes back on lads. Your scaring people here, so have atleast some shame, will ya?"[/color] Alice said at Davis and Caora as she once more took her E-handbook out and scrolled to the mentioned evidence. [color=9e0039]"And if there were to have been a tussle, the killer would have had to sweep the monk's footprints away. But the tracks seem normal. So, meh."[/color] she shruged.