[@Sarcelle Renard][@chukklehed][@SMS] [b]Uchima Senior High - Hallway Outside Newspaper Clubroom, Practice Building???[/b] The explosion of energies detonated upon its knee, and the metallic pistons creaked and screamed one last time as they crumbled, taking the beast's attempts to escape the ground alongside them. It staggered as it wildly sought stability, but none would come. Prospero's sphere of wind, a rotating tempest that careened through the air and into the Mykálfr's torso. Black sloshed and sprayed. Eyes popped. Gears and pistons pushed and creaked. Then they stopped. The luster of the gems disappeared. And the Mykálfr collapsed backwards, torso dissipating into inky vapour. The rest of its body soon followed, dissolving and fading into nothingness before the very eyes of the three teenagers. The battle had been won. [hr] [@vancexentan] [b]A few blocks away from the park[/b] "Yeah yeah, let's just keep going then." The woman turned her eyes back towards the direction that they were walking in. "Hata Express better be close," she seemed to mutter to herself as she continued to make her way up the street. If Hans were to pay attention to the houses along the street they were walking along, he would be able to make out that one of them seemed to have a pink, sparkling light that pulsed regularly from its door. [hr] [@Mistress Dizzy][@Bornlucky] [b]Uchima Senior High - A Hallway, 2nd Floor, Classroom Building???[/b] Ai nodded as firmly as she could. She still seemed to tremble slightly in the fear at the thought of fighting that creature of ice they had just barely escaped from, but she was putting her faith in Ryoma's plan. "Let's hope there aren't any more monsters," she chirped, trying to add a bit more levity into things. She scratched the back of her head, shooting the brightest smile she could at her two companions as she followed them. If they were to head down the stairs, they would emerge into an empty hallway, similar to the one that they had just left. The world was still a dull monotone of grey, black and white, and deep crimson liquid streaked across the bleak walls. However, there was one difference that stuck out, a something that was present in this hallway that wasn't in the one on the floor above. Of the classroom doors that sat against the walls, the ones that none had sought to enter, one near the far end was barricaded, a plank of wood holding the locks shut.