[i]It didn't have any effect?[/i] Mistletoe thought, dancing back over books when the jailor turned towards her. She needn't have, though; the jailor seemed to tune her out completely, marking her as a lesser threat. Turning around, Mistletoe spotted the two approaching gargoyles from a distance that was quickly closing. They seemed to be heading away from the wall Kenza had checked back when the hunters were scanning the perimeter of the room. [i]Kenza mentioned that there was a hole in the wall — one through which she could see well beyond the castle. Did she perhaps?[/i] Mistletoe paused, gritting her teeth. Was that a risk she wanted to take? "Derrick! The wall that Kenza mentioned!" Mistletoe yelled at Derrick as she stooped down, picking up a few heavy volumes and hurling them at the Jailor. At the very least, it would serve to distract the monster for a second or two as Derrick attempted to break away. [hr][@lord of evil][@hekazu]