[quote=@Penny] Sometimes people can creatively use changing race and gender to good effect. [/quote] Now that is true! One movie that did that well was [i]Law Abiding Citizen[/i]. It's one of my favorite movies, and initially they were going to have Jamie Foxx as the bad guy, and Gerard Butler as the hero. But Jamie Foxx thought it would be cool to have Gerard Butler, known as the guy from [i]300[/i] (this was a 2009 movie) to be the hammy villain, and they did it. [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/91wcVgk8n-L._SY445_.jpg[/img] I cannot imagine it any other way, now. [quote=@mdk] Question: if notorious white male, M. Night Shayamalan, casts an Indian actor for an originally Japanese character, is that........ I'm trying to think of a parallel for "white washing" that don't sound pejorative, but I can't do it. But.... yeah. MY LARGER POINT BEING THOUGH, WHO EFFING CARES? A movie adaptation is not meant to be a line-for-line reproduction of the source material, or what was the goddamn point of a movie adaptation? You, yes, you, go be a director and cast whoever you want for whatever you want. If you make a good movie I'll pay you money. Deal? [/quote] Honestly that's the reason I'm against it somewhat, now. People went too extreme with it, and I realized that they should just be fair with it, rather than going "white=bad."