In some ways, she almost felt sorry for the nobles that lived in this manor. They thought they were safe here, surrounded by luxury and dozens of guards. But what use were those guards, when somebody could just waltz right in and take whatever they wanted. Twice in fact. This was the second time in a single week that Emara had snuck into the manor. The first time, they hadn't seen her and likely didn't even realize anything was missing. This time, she was hoping things would go just as well. The biggest mistake that guards ever made was that they never looked up and that was what Emara was taking advantage of. She was crouched in the rafters of the dining hall, body pressed against a wall as she allowed the shadows to hide her presence. As usual, the hood of her coat was up. Even if she was seen, her face would remain hidden. Between she skills and the hood, she had been thieving for years and had yet to get caught. That didn't mean she didn't come across setbacks. Like this one she was experiencing now. When she had last been here, Emara hadn't had this problem, but today the dining hall was being used. From the sounds of conversation it was a guest of the manor's lord. He was putting on a big, fancy show to impress the pretty noble woman. She had seen it all before. If she wasn't trying to stay hidden, she would have gagged. But instead, she simply made a disgusted face. The was only a minor setback, she would simply have to wait until they left the room to continue on with her thievery.