[@Patches] [center][hr][hr] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6c/80/53/6c80535e4be72d7e5b5ec994af99bfc1.jpg]TRISH[/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/tattoo-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170621/76b22dfcf41f42ba8ecc087534a7c8fa.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] [color=magenta]When I think about video games I see another addictive substance to be exploited and judging by its following and the fact that most people over 40 want nothing to do with it for fear of being labeled a layabout is something of an issue for the long term abuser but it is a good place to seed other obsessions such as caffeine and junk food. I know you are somewhat shy when it comes to exposing your body to public view but you are in a business where sex sells, violence is encouraged and depravity in action is a scoring activity. The fact that parent groups are always talking about how bad video games are for youth and I’m interested but throw in churches and I’m titillated. Seductive, suggestive and in the case of some adult games Taboo, what’s not to love?[/color] she says finishing and leaning close to HK [color=magenta] You are so adorable I could just eat you up[/color]