You [i]actually[/i] want me to choose? :lol I might have to agree with you about Shiro (THAT SEASON FINALE WITH HIM! *Cries about having to wait.*), and maybe either Lance or Keith. But Hunk is so hilarious. And Pidge is the only girl, so she totally gets bonus points for that on top of her major techno skills. xD And Coran is, well, Coran. Must I say more? *Gasp!* Really, about season three? *Looks it up.* Ha! That same friend is planning on visiting again around then. Guess I know what I’m going to try talking her into while she’s here! Maybe I should start re-watching it to give myself a refresher of everything. Awesome. Let me know what you think! I’m sorry to hear that your stress levels are that bad. I kinda feel you there. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Including listening to you vent. PMs are beautiful things for that. Hope you find a way to lower them! Ha, nice about the jackets. Have you seen the new Spiderman movie? Yes. Just yes to that picture. It’s irritating, to say the least, that people actually think like that. Nope, I haven’t, as far as I can remember. >:-D