[i]Lupo Dio.. [/i] Callie leaned back on the bed, thoughtful, the laptop she was using on her legs, as she stretched out, notes spread over to show that she was doing some research. She figured that she needed to know truly what she was getting into… and the internet had some truly supernatural corners, if you knew where to look. Her book of shadows also helped her, and she had stumbled across the… name? Title? Of Lupo Dio. Wolf god. She wasn’t too sure if the source she was reading from was reliable, and yet… There was something to it, she thought… Maybe she should as Caius, once he came back. It would certainly be an interesting conversation, and… She wanted to ask him about what he had done, earlier. She sighed, glancing out the window at the lightening sky, more than a little trouble. She knew she shouldn’t worry about Caius, but she couldn’t help it. She sighed, and ran her hand through her hair, pushing her laptop onto the bed, she rose. She padded towards the kitchen, opening the fridge, cupboards, anything, not sure what she was looking for, if she was looking for anything that was, before she moved around the apartment, filled with energy that she couldn’t seem to get rid off, going towards the window, and looking out. She saw nothing, and yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. More than a little unnerved, Callie walked around the apartment again, checking her potions and spells, walking around again. As the sky grew lighter and lighter, Callie decided that she couldn’t just stay in the apartment forever. She needed to find Caius and make sure that he was alright. She armed herself with potions, and spells, draping charms about her person, and shoving potions into her satchel, and started out. She had a general idea of where Caius would be, and where she could look, and with her magic, she was sure that she could hunt him down. She stopped, muttering a few words, before continuing.