Derrick was in dire straits. The Jailor had him in his grasp and didn't show any signs of hurrying, so it was probably thinking that it had it in the bag. And it was probably true. Things were bad, though he wasn't sure how bad. Still, Derrick could do something. He knew he could hurt it somewhat, and he'd hang on to that feeble hope however he could. As the Jailor grabbed him, Derrick grabbed onto the cord with both hands, determined not to be taken away. He flailed his legs in direction of the Jailor's flames as best he could, but he knew that it probably wouldn't do much. Not alone, anyway. But he didn't really want Mistletoe to fight the Jailor, and that probably wouldn't work so well anyway. And besides, there were the other gargoyles. If they weren't here then they'd be coming. So what could Mistletoe do for him? Derrick thought quickly, forming a rather desperate idea. It had a higher possibility of working than anything else, but that didn't really mean much. "Mistletoe, take my body!" Derrick yelled desperately, still flailing his legs. "Somewhere - anywhere, just not here!" [@Hekazu][@Dusksong]