[hider=Roy] Name: Roy Williamson Sex: Male Birthday: August 12, 1989 Birthplace: New York City Nationality: USA Occupation: Chemist Education: Graduated Oxford (Chemistry Doctoral Degree) Skill(s): Chemistry Knowledge: He has a basic grasp on most forms of chemistry, however his area of expertise is inorganic chemistry. Kiddy-Scripting: He had a minor in computer engineering and knows how to construct basic lines of code. Appearance: Roy is unsuspecting fellow. He is about an inch above the average person, and he is a bit lanky in appearance, but he is not so far out of the norm that eyes are drawn to him. His skin is very white from staying in doors, and his skin is highly freckled. His light blue eyes are shown through his prescription glasses, and sometimes hidden by his messy red hair. When he is not working, he wears very cheap casual clothing, such a t-shirt from the department store, and some jeans he bought online. Personality: Roy appears subdued, calm, and rational on the outside, and appears outworldly naive and one to follow the rules to a fault. However, this is simply because he has not gotten caught. Roy is cynical and holds grudges. However, he also always pays back a debt. Roy has been naturally gifted with intelligence, which while is a great boon, has also lead him to pride and sloth. Roy has never been one to try to stand out, instead he did the bare minimum to leave a good impression, as he didn’t really care what others thought of him besides a practical sense. Biography: Roy was born gifted with intelligence. He started talking before the other kids. He learned to read before the other kids. He learned to multiply before the other kids, however none of that mattered to his drunken parents. They were never abusive, but they never cared about him either. The fact that school posed little challenge to him and that his parents didn’t care led to him developing a sense of apathy about life, simply breezing by doing better than some kids who put all of their energy into doing well. Roy had some friends, but none that he developed any deep or meaningful relationships for. When he graduated from high school, the first thing he did was apply for college to get away from his parents. He always had an interest in chemistry, and ended up using most of his time researching the subject and digging into the topic simply because he had nothing else to do. He found college parties loud and obnoxious. When he graduated, he designed to continue his life of just coasting through life by taking a low-stress research job. Power(s): Liquid Absorption: Roy is able to draw in liquid he makes skin contact with into an extra-dimensional space. This extra-dimensional space can store about 24 gallons of liquid, that he can separate into different sections, or mix together with this space. He can absorb liquid at a rate of 5 gallons per second. He is able to have the liquids he absorbed either be discharged by his sweat glands, or focused and shot a line of liquid about a few dozen meters at a maximum rate of 5 gallons per second. Anything that is completely dissolved into a liquid that he absorbs is absorbed with the liquid. Other: He carries around a lighter with his initials engraved into it. [/hider]