[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/ceTANjB.png[/img][/centre] [indent][indent]Krista squealed, hiding her face as Caora and Davis began to strip. That was [i]NOT[/i] expected, and she felt a little faint from the blood suddenly rushing to her cheeks. [color=6c9b8f]"W-wait! Please! Don't!"[/color] Her voice sounded muffled from behind her hands, and you could clearly hear the embarrassment. Lucas just ignored the two, looking directly at Calvin. [color=abb3c8]"There was no fight. Let's look at it this way: if Mondatta and the killer were at a stand off, wouldn't you expect there to be more... damage? It's possible to believe the killer was interrupted by Miss Müller, only to change his plan and wait for Mondatta, thus leaving Miss Müller as a scapegoat. How else would you explain the knife and lack of footprints?"[/color] Krista perked up, just barely peeking her enflamed face through her hands to speak a little clearer. [color=6c9b8f]"Wait... why did you say [i]his[/i]? Are you [i]still[/i] pointing this all on Calvin?"[/color] The investigator shrugged. [color=abb3c8]"When I first checked the cave before asking Miss Müller and Mondatta to join me, I never saw anything indicating that somebody was planning on murdering anybody. Whatever it was, the killer began preparing only after the three of us were planning to go."[/color][/indent][/indent]