[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cXxrzFd.png[/img] [color=9e0b0f][h2]Please Do Nothing To the Kitchen Girl[/h2][/color] [@Crimmy] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Silvan Haven] [@Ayazi] [@LokiLeo789] [@Write][/center] As cranky and fed up as he no doubt was with the events that had befallen the unfortunate day shift of this cafe one by one, Jericho had it in him to roll his eyes good-naturedly at Severa Mindaro's polite protests - and at her even more cautious order. The woman was possibly the most gentle soul Jericho had ever met outside of his own family, and even then he'd seen his twin have some pretty rough days. Then again, who knew what Severa Mindaro was like when properly roused to anger... [color=9e0b0f][i]Better to never know.[/i][/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Ms. Severa,"[/color] Jericho said warmly, [url=http://i.imgur.com/FlGzxxZ.jpg]already fixing his hair into a makeshift ponytail,[/url] [color=9e0b0f]"making you a latte sounds like the least amount of trouble I've had in days. Now, if you would both be so good as to [i]witness me...[/i]"[/color] [list] [*] Four green teas, two iced [*] Two lattes [*] Mocha, five sugars [color=9e0b0f]([i]no garlic, no priest's ashes, no puns[/i]) [/color] [*] Six cookies (three choc. three oat.) [*] Cappuccino (personal use, prepare last) [/list] [color=9e0b0f][i]Rich, you towel-whipping despot, don't even [b]try[/b] and tell me that I've let my skills atrophy when I see you this summer.[/i][/color] He was a boy who grew up wanting to spend his whole life killing, bettering the lives of his friends through his own sins. Now that same boy snapped into action, bettering the lives of his friends through something as simple as making them their promised drinks. The poor barista, whose name Jericho hadn't even gotten before Bianca's [i]business acumen[/i] had driven her out, had already started preparing the green tea. That was as simple as waiting for the fresh batch to finish preparing and then portioning it out. She hadn't gotten started on Geni's juice yet, so Jer decided to start on that, as it was the only drink that wouldn't be harmed by cooling down somewhat. [color=9e0b0f][i]Apple Berry, Passion Fruit, Lemons and Citrus, Sweet Berry...[/i][/color] Shit, Sweet Berry would go nicely with some mint, actually. So would Lemon and Citrus, but the last thing anyone needed this morning was sour, and if he was wrong, he always had Vega's tea to fall back on. Mint? Mint? There had to be mint around, it was springtime in Vale for Christ's sake. Jericho darted into the back room behind the counter in search of a mint plant and found what he was looking for obscured behind some ingredients. He didn't entirely trust anything that was touching some of the bottles of syrups and milk back here, so he cut three stems from the top of the plant to encourage regrowth later on. One stalk was balanced deftly between his fingertips; Jer started chewing on the other for concentration. Slipping back out front, Jericho filled the largest cup he could find - he hadn't specified sizes in his original order, but to hell with it, [i]he[/i] had paid for everything so far and everyone here deserved twenty ounces for surviving each other every day - with ice and filled it about three-quarters full with the purplish fruit juice he had chosen. He stopped there to make sure he had time to stir; God only knew how much flavor had floated to the bottom and how much was just water. When he was properly satisfied with the drink, he filled the rest of the cup, gave it a cursory second mix, and then garnished with the two remaining stems of mint leaves. [color=9e0b0f][i]One down.[/i][/color] The tea was ready! Jericho hastily filled another two glasses with ice and made his way over to the tea - [color=9e0b0f][i]ingredients lemongrass, what? Lemon verbena? Could that hurt vampires? Note for later[/i] [/color] - in time to start pouring. Two of the glasses - more like mugs, but they still fit - were placed in a brown cardboard to-go container, along with Geni's juice and another cup of equal size for Vega to pour any tea she felt like sharing into. The Schwarz sister's teas were kept separate. [color=9e0b0f][i]Five down.[/i][/color] Wait, not yet! Jericho hustled over to the other side of the counter to the glass container where the cookies were kept heated, chocolate chips gooey and glistening as he withdrew two, then another, carefully with tongs and wrapped them up in a bag to preserve said the melty warmth of the treats. Three oatmeal raisin cookies soon followed in another bag. [color=9e0b0f][i]Now five are down.[/i][/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Open your mouth, say 'aaah,'"[/color] Jericho said brusquely to April. [color=ffcf40]"Blaaaaaaaaah!"[/color] She stuck her tongue out for emphasis. Cheeky little thing. Jericho rolled his eyes and stuffed both waiting bags into her mouth. No doubt Luke would thank him for it just as soon as the sisters would. [color=9e0b0f]"Beryl Harken! Order up!" [/color]he called out. [color=9e0b0f]"I'll forgive any and all of your tail mischief if you carry these back to Dawn and your teammates. Leave the other iced one, it's hers. Now. Coffees, coffees coffees coffees..."[/color] Aha, he knew what to do here. Jericho turned his back to the three young women [color=9e0b0f][i](wink)[/i][/color] gathered around the counter to start on the other half of the order. After a brief span of time - and some nonsensical High Atlesian muttered under the tired knight's breath to himself - Jericho turned around carrying three hot cups, wrapped in zarfs, between his hands. He kissed his fingertips and planted the mocking gesture onto one cup, and slid the other two forward for Severa. [color=9e0b0f]"For the happy couple, two matching lattes,"[/color] said the Young Devil. [color=9e0b0f]"And for the unhappy daughters, two mochas. [i]Galla![/i]"[/color] He had titled his head up and called out to the girl still loitering by the doorway expressionlessly. [color=9e0b0f]"I don't know what you take in yours, you can add whatever you'd like,"[/color] he explained, sliding forward her coffee beside the cup he had blessed. [color=9e0b0f]"And...a cappuccino for the kitchen wench."[/color] That could wait. He wasn't done with the mint he was chewing yet, and besides, he didn't want to touch any more coffee for a couple minutes. Still, that was pretty cool operating in the midst of an impossible situation. If he'd known that in eight hours he'd be paying for drinks, [i]preparing[/i] those drinks, and all because of Bianca Nuit's hyper-possessive love for him, he would've never boarded the plane beside the Mindaros. He thought. In all honesty, he was pretty proud of the job he'd done. It was an okay feeling. [color=9e0b0f][i]There'll be no towel whips for [b]this[/b] girl.[/i][/color]