[b]UNDERRATED[/b] [indent][center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Anarchy_Reigns_box_art.jpg[/img][/center] Now, this was a tough one since there's [i]soooooo[/i] many games I can put here (and some of them already were), so I just picked this one. Anarchy Reigns is a brawler type game set in a post apoc scifi world with cyborgs and mutants n' shit. It was like a pseudo-fighting game to me. It had some excellent character designs (each with their own personality), and amazing graphics (better than other AAA games). The gameplay was meh, but it was easily the most fun I ever had playing a game online. Because it felt so new and fun. Also, it has one of the coolest soundtracks ever - being a mixture of underground rap and techno that still somehow fit a game like this. The story mode was meh, admittedly, and it honestly could have done without all the stupid mini-games instead of actual missions. Though, if it had a bit more polish, it would be one of the best games I've played. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ink7KR9iuAc]Also it has one of the best title sequences ever.[/url] [/indent] [b]OVERRATED[/b] [indent][center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/46/Video_Game_Cover_-_The_Last_of_Us.jpg[/img][/center] I don't know what it is about this game, but it's so... meh to me. Like everyone around me hyped it up to be one of the best games ever, but it was pretty generic in terms of gameplay. It was pretty much just a standard Gears of War style third person shooter that got boring to play due to the lack of variety of gameplay that made GoW fun. Like, there's no variety in enemies; basically fight the same three kinds of zombie enemies, and the human enemies were even more boring to fight. It was like the game couldn't decide if it wanted to be action, stealth, horror, or a third person shooter. The only redeeming element to me was the story mode, but it wasn't that great either. [/indent]