Hey all~ I am returning to the RPing world after many years, I'm pretty excited to get back into it. I am super surprised I had never seen this site before its pretty awesome, and I'm stoked to hopefully become apart of the community. Lil bit about me; I bartend and am usually busy on the weekends, anime is a thing in my life, as well as video games. Dogs are cool, cats are better. Fantasy/anime/magic RP's will probably be where you'll find me. All through middle & high school I used to RP, but college and life took me away from it. (So forgive me if I get confused on anything) Any shade of blue is a cool color. Uhm. yeah. Idk what else to put haha. My only question is - When joining an RP, is there a character form? And I see some are closed to new characters. Is there somewhere you join OOC? Or you can just join any? Thank you!