If we're talking about the literal lay of the land there is at least a map to generally go off of, but aside from that we'll just have to make up places, people ect and not worry about any new information that may pop up. If you're going by say classes, there are some interesting character sheets in the light novel which don't give much information but show a general idea of how the Yggdrasil system was suppose to work. [hider=Momonga] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hy4UmJApp1U/Vb-DIyM5anI/AAAAAAAAC2U/CdUDLTmf8M4/s1600/01-%2Bmomonga.png[/img] [/hider] That said while interesting, in our character bios we won't bother with hard stats, exact levels[except maybe what level you reached in the game], and so on; maybe just a general say about where most of your stats are allocated and what class you are. As for classes themselves, you are pretty much just make it up and just say what it is your character specializes in. Now as for the locations themselves I can at least give some information on the locations but since the novels themselves don't have much it'll be pretty basic. Re-Estize Kingdom: Ruled by a King and Lords, pretty classic feudalism type overall. Has a Royal faction and Noble faction which keeps things interesting. A human run kingdom that relies on conscriptions for most fighting. Baharuth Empire: Ruled by an Emperor with a quality standing army. A human civilization as well though occasionally employ non-humans, mostly in slave type positions but even that seems rather rare. Katze Plains: Basically just a massive undead playground since a lot of battles were fought there. Dragonic Kingdom: Human based kingdom ruled by a queen who is a descendant of a dragon lord, giving her the ability to use Wild Magic aka Soul Based magic. Currently they are being attacked by the Beastman country to the east who view them as a food source. Slane Theocracy: A nation of human supremacists who excel at faith based magics divided among six sects. Have quite a few special operative groups for various purposes. Also one of the only known countries to have godkins, basically the descendant of a player character so they are much stronger than anyone else. Also the higher ups know about the "Advent of the Gods" event that happens every 100 years. Holy Roble Kingdom: Human based nation, that has a great wall separating them from the Wilderness, an area full of demi-human tribes that are constantly at war. Argland Council Alliance: A demi-human land that is controlled by a parliament and Five Dragon Councillors. Each demi-human race has their own representative in the parliament but the five dragons have the final say in anything. Trying to keep the information as bare bones as possible so I don't have to worry about it that much. Also there is just not that information on a lot of these places to begin with.