Oooh I love talking about this type of stuff. I could go on and on. But I'll stick to one game each. [b]Underrated[/b]: Beyond Good and Evil I'm too lazy to go back and see if anyone posted about this, but I think I can safely say this is a very underrated game. While it has a cult following and is making a comeback with a new installment in a few years (which looks like SO MUCH FUN btw), this is a game I remember picking up when I stopped at Gamestop with some spending money. It was a used game that looked interesting. I remember popping it in, experiencing the story, collecting as much as I could, and genuinely falling in love with it. I am a big fan of this game. I loved the characters, I loved the story, I loved the mechanics. It isn't without its faults, of course (I HATED the racing segments), but I liked exploring to find every thing I needed. I loved the stealth mechanics. This is a game I definitely would recommend picking up if you can. [b]Overrated[/b]: Life Is Strange I feel I should mention that just because someone feels a game is overrated, it doesn't mean the game itself isn't good, isn't ground breaking, or isn't fun. I, for one, LOVE this game a lot, but I feel that people were getting too hyped over it. The story was interesting, I liked most of the characters, and it was an interesting take on the rise of Choice Games. I am looking forward to the new game with Chloe later as well as Life is Strange 2, but I feel this game got too much credit. First off, I hated Chloe as a character. It was interesting seeing her grow and I am sure I will learn more with the next installment involving her, but I feel she wasn't a character I could get behind. I feel they tried too hard to get Max to be like "Hey, look, it's your old best friend. Wanna make out with her?" I am fine with homosexual relations in games (been a part of them since Mass Effect), but I feel they tried TOO hard for that to happen. And the last choice? It didn't take me a second to pick which one I wanted (I won't spoil, of course, but suffice to say you can probably guess which one I picked). I liked the game, but there's a good amount I dislike from it for me to get behind the appeal.