[right][h2][color=red]Khaine[/color], Oblivion Depths[/h2][/right] [right][@Lmpkio][@KoL][@Lonewolf685][/right] As a swarm of slithering and creeping creatures the beast wove between the bars. An arrow blasted through the swarm, but achieved nothing more than to slay a few more bugs. Hissing Khaine realised this creature would care little for simple physical attack, and he allowed his bow to vanish back to the Forge. As the swarm creature formed into two semi-solid humanoid shapes he prepared to call upon the rest of his weapons, but was interrupted by two seperate events. First his delusional companion made an attempt to broker a peace, halting both himself and the creature. Surprisingly this worked, as the creature halted it's advance upon them. Khaine stood silent as Diana introduced both herself and him, although he did not drop his guard. In turn the creature introduced itself as two separate entities, just as it had shaped two entities with it's swarm. Based on how it spoke it was confused, most likely it had lost much to the Dungeon's influence. If so it was quite possible that his companion did indeed share an origin with this strange entity. Second was an interruption of a far less pleasant nature. An orb of grey energy appeared nearby, releasing a most disturbing aura. And from it spoke a voice, the very same that had spoken when this chaos first began. Once again it declared the leaders of the Triumvirate to be mere puppets, and that they must be overthrown. A call to arms for the assembled forces of the Nexus to rise up against their leaders. A quite ironic notion. While Khaine agreed in concept that such puppets must be removed he knew perfectly well that this voice wished nothing more than to advance their own standing. Perhaps they simply aimed to take the throne from these puppets, or perhaps she was opposed to whatever force was the master of these puppets. Another political move in a political move. The action of a God, to whom demons and angels were mere pawns to be moved in this eternal conflict. Of course, such musing could not last forever. Khaine stared suddenly at an empty passage, even as he shifted into a defensive stance. There was a presence there, unlike anything he had felt before. An overwhelming power, like the fiery might of a star. A wall of killing intent, barely contained bloodrush, flooded out from that direction. Of course Khaine did not feel fear, it was not an emotion he was capable of. But even he understood perfectly well now the desire to flee from this monstrous power. Whatever it was that came from the depths of the Nexus it was dangerous, on an entirely different level from the opponents Khaine had faced here. And whatever it was, it was not happy. As such, Khaine nearly agreed when the bug-creature declared that they must flee. After all, ants do not stand in the way of steamrollers. When Gods marched to war, it was folly to stand in their path. But he also knew that whatever it was, it couldn't have come this close without sensing them. They had not been quiet. And based on the rage he was feeling even from this distance, it was not inclined to let them leave so easily. Outrunning it was dismissed out of hand. Power granted speed, almost inevitably. Even if it moved relatively slowly now, that was merely because it wished to. If it caught up with them while they were fleeing there would be nothing stopping this creature from ripping them all to shreds. Whatever slim chances of victory they had would drop to 0. Fighting it was a waste of time, even with their combined abilities it was unlikely they could defeat this creature, whatever it was. And even if they could defeat it somehow, they would be too heavily wounded to survive the new challengers who would be inevitably attracted to the fight. Cycling through possible strategies, Khain came to one conclusion. Together they could most likely not defeat it, and alone he stood no chance of achieving victory. But he could slow it down. Even if he could simply convince the monster to monologue about it's power that would buy precious seconds, which could be used to escape the area. Considering the situation there was only one logical solution, which saved as many lives as possible. [color=red]"Go. Find a red stone, the size of my fist. It is your escape."[/color] With those words Khaine turned towards the direction the presence was coming from, and started walking. He made his stand in the centre of the path, where he would face the creature. A flash of red and a great wall of steel rose behind him, separating him from his companions. With a gesture he called upon the powers of the Forge, as chains of black metal shot from red glowing gates. A web of barbed chains formed around him, connected to him both magically and physically. Ancient blades emerged from the ground, engraved with runes of arcane power. The thick scent of burning flesh filled the area as Khaine awaited his 'opponent'. As he stood there he had a moment to wonder what happened to one who died in this realm. Would it allow his essence to escape, to return to Hell where it belonged? And even if he could return there, would he be allowed to be reborn? Knowing what punishments awaited those who had abandoned his duty Khaine was uncertain what was the worse fate. In the end he decided that remaining here would be worse, hollowed out into an empty shell of himself. At least in Hell it would be him that felt the torment. And, even as he contemplated his death, some small part of him called out in glee at the prospect of facing such a powerful being. It had been a long time since he had done anything quite this foolish. A very long time indeed.