"Not at all," Stefan spoke, shrugging and shaking his head. "You're the rightful heir to King Alphin's throne," he explained. "To give you any less would be an insult." He crossed his arms. "Now then, I want to discuss a serious matter with you regarding your position. "I've been told you're going to Mt. Ignis in order to collect one of the Regalia. That will prove your place as the ruler of Iris, but I fear that will not be enough. Many of the noble houses, as well as the people, may not be likely to accept a commoner, and if you'll pardon my wording, a bastard child, to rule this country." He closed his eyes. "Now, with that, I have a proposal. If you are to be partnered with a noble house, then it is much more likely that you would be accepted, thus allowing for a more clean transition." Stefan opened his eyes, then placed a hand onto the box that had been touching on earlier. "So with that, here is my proposition. Lady Katherine, daughter of Alphin," He stood and opened the box, revealing a pearl colored bangle topped with a clear crystal flower, handing the box to Katherine. "I offer you my heart and the backing of my house, if you would take my hand in marriage."