[color=007236][h1][center][i][b]Jett Haven[/b][/i][/center][/h1][/color] Jett let out a sigh as he rounded the corner to find a bunch of students all crowded at the front gate of the academy. Glancing down at his watch, which showed 8:14. He looked up from his watch and shoved his hands into his pant's pockets. His left eyebrow popped up as a look of confusion came onto his face. Did they all get the time wrong? Was this a test? Did he remember to let the dog out? He glanced back to where he came from, his eyes darted back and forth as he went through his actions of that morning. Before he could finish the thought he heard the clamoring of his fellow students grow more intense. Turning back around he saw the gate was now open and everyone was stuck in the bottleneck. [color=007236]"Great..."[/color] He whispered as he realized that by the time he got through he could be late. He clicked his tongue a couple times as he looked around, noticing that the wall that surrounded the grounds wasn't too tall. He also noted how close the pillars were together before narrowing his eyes. [color=007236]"Hmmmm..." [/color]He looked at the crowd, then at the wall, then back to the crowd. [color=007236]"I can make that..."[/color] he said to himself as he took two steps backward and turned to begin running in a small semi circle and coming at a more acute angle at the closest pillar. He jumped up, extended his left foot and planted it squarely on it, then promptly pushing up and backward and spinning just slightly enough to extend his his right foot and plant it on the next pillar. He then again pushed up and backwards while extending his hand up to grab the top of the wall and guide himself to kick both feet up just high enough to clear the wall and gracefully land on his feet on the other side. Pausing for a moment to glance around and straighten his uniform's jacket with a quick tug. He then moved towards the main entrance, only to see and hear the security guards, yell that they can't enter through there. Though a few tried and failed...except one girl, who took a full blow from the head honcho, but it seemed like she didn't even notice. [color=007236]"Dammmmn..."[/color] He said softly as he watched as students scrambled to the left or right wing to use the auxiliary entrance's to the second floor. He looked back at the main entrance and cocked his head to the side, looking passed the three guards and after a brief thought. He shook his head. [color=007236]"Nahh...Too easy..."[/color] If this was supposed to be a challenge to use your quirk... he wasn't going to do it. His father always taught him not to rely so much on his quirk. As he was thinking about that he glanced up as he saw movement in a maple tree nearby, just catching a glimpse of a blonde girl jumping from the branch onto the windowsill and into the second floor. He waited a moment, only to smile when the girl left it open. It was just as easy... but what the hell.[color=00a651] "Well thank you!" [/color]He said as he sprinted to the tree and ran up the trunk with three steps before leaping onto the the branch and pulling himself up with ease. He got to his feet and as nimble as a cat, made his way to the window and dove through it. He used his hands to push off the ledge to give his body that added moment to fully rotate back upright and land on his feet. He looked around while giving his jacket a swift tug once again to notice the blonde girl from before....bowing? To another girl with some orbs floating around her. Odd. He shrugged it off and made his way towards them and raised his hand, just as the blonde girl turned to leave. [color=007236]"HEY! Hold the door for a moment please!"[/color] He said with a big smile as his walk turned to a jog. [@Feyblue][@Riegal]