Bartholomew Hemingway- Most Serene Key Republic Bartholomew flashed a Cheshire smiled at the Eastern delegated arrayed before him. They all seemed to take his speech rather well- some of them giving polite nods as they digested the monumental proposal sat on the table before them. His monologue complete, Bartholomew retired to his seat and reached for his gin and tonic. While most of the delegates arrayed before him seemed to be ready to see the agreement itself immediately, the Northerner, Sherman Smith, did have a comment. The classically-clad man voiced his concern about involving himself in a potentially unnecessary war due to the American Co-Prosperity Sphere, before going on to state that he was much more interested in economic ties, rather than martial ones. He proceeded to produce a lump of coal from his pocket, mentioning his nation’s interest in its export on a larger scale. Bartholomew gave a polite nod. “I completely understand your concern, Mr. Smith, as I and many in the Keys share your same sentiment. However, this bloc of nations would be interested more in all of our protection, rather than the propagation of war. As for the trade of your nation’s rich coal deposits, however, this is just one example of how the American Co-Prosperity Sphere could play a much needed role in our world. Resources like this should be traded freely with the nations of the free East, ensuring that we can all benefit and remain prepared to stop tyranny from spreading further across our great continent.” Bartholomew paused, taking a moment to produce a short three pages from his briefcase. “I’m sure the contract itself can speak volumes more on what His Serenity is trying to achieve with this axis of nations than I can, however. I must repeat that this is just a skeleton of sorts for what will certainly become a glorious example of the return of civilization to our continent.” Bartholomew then laid all three pages out on the table before the delegates, dictating them in the most dignified Southern Floridian accent he could manage. American Co-Prosperity Sphere Article I- The Signatory Nations agree to uphold the ideals of the American Co-Prosperity Sphere both within their own nation and without. These ideals include those of liberty, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, as well as the opposition of tyranny. Section A: The Signatory Nations will make a conscious effort to make their nations havens for free thought and action. Section B: To ensure cooperation as far as this goal is concerned, the Signatory Nations agree to meet once a year to discuss the exact definition of their goal and how to better reach it. Subsection 1: The exact location of this meeting will be decided by the Signatory Nations at the prior year’s meeting. Section C: The Signatory Nations will pursue nonviolent means of promoting these ideals in other nations on the American Continent, so long as it does not violate the laws and sovereignty of the nation or independent faction in question. Subsection 1: Signatory Nations should only use funds and resources allocated to them by the American Co-Prosperity Sphere to achieve this goal. Subsection 2: Violent intervention in a non-Signatory nation for the purposes of promoting the American Co-Prosperity Sphere’s ideals is allowed, but only if all Signatory Nations agree to an intervention of the sort. Article II- The Signatory Nations agree to enter into a defensive military alliance, wherein an attack on one Signatory Nation by an outside force will be considered an attack on the American Co-Prosperity Sphere as a whole. Section A: To ensure all Signatory Nations are capable of defending their brothers, all Signatory Nations will participate in mandatory joint military exercises. Subsection 1: Once every six months, each Signatory Nation must provide a land fighting force greater than 1,000 men to participate in two weeks of joint military exercises Subsection 2: Once every year, each Signatory Nation must either contribute some number of armed, seaworthy vessels or send an observer to take part in two weeks of joint military exercises at sea. Subsection 3: In the case of any Signatory Nations being engaged in a war, the nation in question is not required to take part in any part of Article II, Section A until they are at peace once again. Article III- The Signatory Nations agree to establish a joint American Co-Prosperity Sphere Council at Kitty Hawk, Broken Banks (North Carolina). This Council will be responsible for allocating the funds of the American Co-Prosperity Sphere, representing the interests of each nation involved, making any of the votes referenced in this agreement, and overseeing any department established by this document or added to it afterwards. Section A: Each Signatory Nation will place three members on this Council through whatever means they deem proper. Each member of the American Co-Prosperity Sphere Council (ACPSC) will be equal in power to each other. Section B: Each Signatory Nation will allocate an equal amount of funds to the ACPSC to ensure that it can effectively accomplish the duties assigned to it. Subsection 1: The exact amount in question will be negotiated and agreed upon by the Signatory Nations and their representatives at the meetings established by Article I, Section B. Section C: The headquarters of the ACPSC will be built and maintained by the Most Serene Key Republic using its own funds and resources, as a sign of goodwill. Section D: In no circumstance should the ACPSC interfere in a Signatory Nation against their will. Indeed, the Council is meant to be a servant of the Signatory Nations’ governments, and nothing more. Article IV- If possible, the American Co-Prosperity Sphere should attain a small military force free of any nation and meant to serve the ACPSC and the tenets of this treaty. Section A: This military force should never exceed 10,000 men in number and should only be used to (a) execute lawful actions listed in this treaty, (b) partake in the military exercises referenced in Article II, Section A, and (c) assist in the defense of the Signatory Nations from hostile forces if the nations in question request such help. Section B: If possible, the American Co-Prosperity Sphere would like to extend this offer to the Angels of War mercenary company, with the intention of making a handful of their contracted units as a chassis to build upon. Article V- The American Co-Prosperity Sphere shall make an effort to increase the economic condition of all Signatory Nations through the promotion of mutual investment, close trade ties, and the elimination of tariffs between all members. Section A: At the yearly meeting discussed in Article I, Section B, all Signatory nations will endeavour to mutually improve their economic situation and make deals which are beneficial for the people of the American Co-Prosperity Sphere. Section B: All Signatory Nations agree to refrain from imposing tariffs on other Signatory Nations. Subsection 1: This does not apply to the use of staple ports, through abuse of this right is to be avoided and discouraged. Section C: If possible, Signatory Nations should seek out other signatory nations to make trade deals before approaching states outside of the American Co-Prosperity Sphere. Like a perfectly timed period, a rowdy bear of a woman stumbled towards the table, creaking into an empty seat to Bartholomew’s left. Her impact shifted a few documents and rattled a fork or two- Bartholomew’s smile quivered. “Erm… Greetings Victoria Bearhorn. Make yourself comfortable, I suppose. It is rare for me to get the opportunity to speak to people from such far flung corners, such as your homeland.” (The contract with better formatting)