[quote=@Feyblue] Yeah, something like that. It's basically the equivalent of each person doing a really quick back and forth of anywhere between one-liners to one-paragraph posts, but put all together so it doesn't flood the thread. It's good for dialogue-heavy scenes between two characters on their own, since it helps get through them quickly without a lot of tiny posts and spam. [/quote] Well while I do believe that it is good for dialogue-heavy scenes between the two of us. The problem is whether or not we could be online at the same time. Like, this week is exam week and I'm working hard on it. Thankfully there's still one Master missing. [quote=@Raineh Daze] They also tend to flow poorly and go on far longer than is necessary. Use with caution. <_< [/quote] I mean, if the RPers know what they're doing (which is rare and unusual), then it can't be all that bad. I will agree that it might take long.