Katherine frowned as she listened to Lord Stefan, becoming more and more uncomfortable as he spoke, she looked down at the box as he opened it, saw it's contents, and then looked back up at him, "I didn't think everyone would accept me that easily, but I...I'm sorry. I do not know if I can do that, my lord... We've only just met, after all. I realize I am new to... noble affairs, but I am... still me. I can't just jump into that kinda thing." she said softly. She sighed and rubbed her arm, "I know that yes, logically, you do have a point that it might help... but, I take matters of love very seriously. I can't just give you my heart for the sake of convenience... Besides, I am a cleric. Not that we don't marry, but we marry for love and know that the Gods smile upon our marriage. I... cannot honestly say the same for this. Please understand..." Kathy didn't know what else to say to him. But she hoped he would take the rejection well. He could after all have her killed on an order if he really wanted to. That's why she hadn't specifically said no. Kathy wondered if Emmerich knew about this. The more she thought about it, the more she thought he might have. It would explain why he gave her this dress. It would also explain why he ordered Felix back so quickly. He would've had a cow over this. Although, there probably were other reasons too. It seemed she had fallen right into his trap when she decided to wear it this morning.