I really need to start multiquoting to the very least wait till I finished reading new posts.[quote=@Weird Tales] Krypton was basically a dead planet when it blew up thanks to war and misuse of their natural resources. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-m-IgOl3UQBA/Tl4WmzQC4hI/AAAAAAAABhs/XhyNKBB0544/s1600/Jor-El.jpg[/img] [/quote]That was what a 1000 years after she left? It was paradise when she left. No murders (I left out the murder from the inspiration comic), no animal murder for food (which I find quite horrific, I love my meat), no rapes, no war unless some shitty aliens decide to go to war, but the last time that happened it was the damn hedonistic weirdo Daxamites, they never did figure out why the the Daxes went to war but they lost big time. [quote=@Simple Unicycle] [@Sir Lurksalot] EDIT: Also, welcome to the nuthouse FiroIV. We've got cookies. Sadly, they're oatmeal raisin. [/quote]Oatmeal raisin cookies are one of my favorites. Fine every cookie is my favorite cookie.