[center][h2][color=fff79a]Toni Sparks[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hJv4ik6.gif[/img][/center] 8:15am Tapping of her heel, glancing at her watch. The crowd thronging and even then security was being a roadblock. The clock running in her head as the crowd scattered like roaches when the light turned on, swarming over the school looking for a way in. Putting her earbuds in, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AKbUm8GrbM]music[/url] blasted in her ears with the rest of the world only hearing a buzz, and flicking her star-shades down off her head Toni joined the swarm heading to the right laughing all the while. The brief flash of light shot from the corridor before Toni entered lit up her silhouette to those behind her, as if a rock star about to go on stage. Running through the horror set that made up the corridor, Toni saw the the swivel chair just sitting in the middle of the hall. Suddenly as if being pulled towards the far wall Toni landed on the swivel chair and began riding it, wheels shaking with the speed that far exceeded her running speed from before. The swivel chair living up to its name had Toni spinning like a small tornado, whipping past the nurse with a vague apologetic sound being ripped from her throat left in her wake. [color=fff79a]"Sorry! I promise I'll return this if I remember to return it~!"[/color] Laughing like a kid on a roller coaster Toni was having a hard time going in a straight line. Finally resting her feet on the swivel chair's legs, Toni stopped spinning and faced the wall, the flight path of the chair straightening as well, even picking up speed. As Toni looked as if she was going to slam into the wall, the swivel chair turned the corner seemingly of its own volition. [color=fff79a]"Whooo~!"[/color] nearing the bottom of the stairs, Toni leaped out of the chair and up the stairs as it crashes into the base. Legs a little shaky from the spin cycle she put herself through Toni's 'leap' turned into a 'stagger'. Looking kinda woozy when she reached the top of the stairs. Taking a moment to let the world settle down around her, Toni all but strutted to the classroom and when she she saw a few classmates milling about she slipped on in. [color=fff79a]"Excuse me please, a Star has arrived! Class is almost in session guys, can't be late."[/color] putting the star-shades on her head once more and her personal sound track cut out as she pulled the ear buds from her ear, giving the group a wink and a grin that just couldn't contain itself.