[color=aba000][u][b]James Williams-Far Harbour [/b][/u][/color] “I wanted to ask about that big boats out there not a Dinghy but fine you’re not interested... I’ll go look for someone else.” James replied before walking off. [i] Wonder why they were talking about the brotherhood [/i] With Longfella not interested and Corrie “Tour Guiding” with Steve he decided to head to the docks himself and perhaps have someone tell him who owns the boat but as he approached he noticed the docks where being blocked off by an group of fishmen. [i]Shit... did they find Bishop? [/i] Someone who looked like a doctor was allowed though but the fishermen where blocking other from seeing what was going but after Rose pushed her way though James knew what was going on...fuck why didn’t he weight him down or something [i]If someone had seen me there been a mob after me already. [/i] James was just about to head back to the Bar when that guy Longfellow had been talking about the brotherhood with approached. “You know”, he started in a casual sarcastic tone “if the Brotherhood of Steel is a gang of raiders LARPing as medieval knights, then the Enclave was a gang of super mutants insane enough to think they were Americans.” “Oh great.” James muttered to himself knowing what was going to happen next. Some idiot (although in this case he may be brotherhood) had been told stories about the big bad enclave and after finding an enclave officer wanted the glory of taking one down. He whistled and gestured towards the clean grey hat. “Where’d you get the hat?” his fake casual tone slipping into something more threatening. “You’re Mother.” James sarcastic replied before adopting a more serious tone “we both know the answer... The enclave and yes before you ask I was a member, Captain James William the 3rd of the Enclave supply and personnel core.” James then opened up his coat revealing his battle damaged uniform. “I didn’t exactly agree with what the robot ordered but they where my family and it would have been fucking stupid to leave but it doesn’t matter anymore enclave are gone.” [i]well apart from maybe in Chicago... [/i] “Only reason I have this on is because the Brotherhood showed up in Boston and they shoot spies... Anyway you know the truth now so say whatever you where gonna say about the enclave.... I don’t really care anymore.” “I’ve got more important things to do, like saving this town from atom fruitcakes.”