Tell everyone about your first RP character. Bonus points if you can point out why they were horrible. So my first character's name was Gail. He was a demon hunter who worked for an interdenominational demon hunting agency, the Silver Myths. Basically, evil creatures from other worlds would traverse dimensions and had to be stopped. He wasn't an edge lord. While he did have that tragic death in his past, it was never the defining point of his character. He could laugh, smile, get angry, and show a lot more emotion than the "angry man" and "shy girl" that he typically hung out with. Gail also wasn't a pretty boy. I think I described him looking something like Frankenstein's monster. Sounds okay so far right? His backstory was pretty bland. He had been alive for a good four to six hundred years, and he had no notable accomplishments. Gail could have been twenty and his skill set would have been the same. He just kind of knew how to swing his scythes around. Yes, scythes, plural, he duel wielded them. No, you can't realistically fight like that. But when you just write "he slashed the beholder and it fell in half" You can get away with it. I was also really "good" at writing body horror, so my fellow teenagers were able to forgive my bland fight scenes. He was also half angel and half demon for some reason. It was never really explained. I mean, he had human parents, his soul just split like that after he died. Probably the worst part was that I made this guy for a devil may cry RP.