Jonna smiled as she watched the fish bob-away. However his comment made her hazel eyes roll rather dramatically. “Don’t be like that! Besides I came prepared to not catch anything, at least for tonight. It just seemed safer than assuming everything would be alright.” She said with a laugh before listening to his story. “Sounds like you’ll be doing most of the fishing considering I don’t have the luck you’ve expressed.” As expected the blonde let out a squeal of excitement at the thought of having more of the mac and cheese. It was hard to believe something like that could be so delicious. Then again Kevin did seem like a professional chief with talents are exceeding her own. A grin moved across her face as they started back towards camp but again, the sight of her tent compared to his just showed how different of worlds they truly lived in. His joke about bedrock made her giggle and she waited for him to finish his call. However the call seemed rather short lived as he was hung up on rather abruptly. Between that and his flushed face she tilted her head to one side, her eyebrows pressing together in a curious-filled manner as he stared down at the text and instantly put his phone again. So… he prefers a phone call over a text message. Good to note. “It wouldn’t hurt to start with a fire than there’s always the classic of making dinner followed by roasting marshmallows.” She said with a nod and a bright smile. As they started to build the fire she brought up a question. “You were saying something about your tent before you called Gary. What was that?”