Danny still wasn't used to the hardcore reality that he was facing, but he was doing everything in his power to stay useful. Billy reminded him that they had a job to do, and a weapon to do it with. The HUD on Danny's visor popped up with an image of the Multiverse Ranger Weapon on Choice, something modular and highly configurable. It had nine main modes, and thus, was dubbed the [i]nine-rifle[/i] by Danny himself. "Nine-Rifle, Crossbolter mode!" He called out, summoning the base of the weapon, and the first extension. As he had proclaimed, he created a crossbow out of the weapon pieces. He didn't have much time to shoot up some mooks before Billy sent in a Cosmo Globe to help him out. Like the Libra Cosmo Globe, it worked on his morpher, granting him strength to ram his crossbow into the chests of his enemies before shooting them to bits. Billy then gave the command to get into their zords. Danny took a second to figure out just how to do that with the help of his HUD, and was in his own voyager zord! The Libra Zord, or Libra Voyager, was a bipedal robot modeled after his own armor, and the lady of justice. His Zord's hands were bound to two scales, which could be used for offensive or defensive purposes. "Megazord time already? Let's get to it!" He was still as chipped as ever, despite having an internal episode due to the truly deadly situation he was in.