[center][h1][color=dimgray]Caractacus[/color][/h1][/center] Caractacus stood his ground ,watching the axeman carefully as he pulled something from his pocket. He breathed an inward sigh of relief, just a cigar. He watched as it was lit, and huffed briefly before the axeman spoke. They wanted him to join them in their personal crusade against the Dark Lord and his empire. The axeman offered a couple conditions to such an arrangement, demanding Caractacus release the undead guardsman. He didn't much see why, the man was passed in any case. The body itself could still serve. The knightess was in agreement, both to his joining them, and using only forces of the dark lord as his servants. Then the knightess stepped closer, and threatened a most terrible and painful death should Caractacus betray them. Somehow, Caractacus managed to turn even paler as he tried to make a response, but she continued speaking. No undead in towns either. He'd be practically defenseless. The axeman finished the offer, asking Caractacus to choose whether to join them, or continue fleeing for his life. Wait a minute, choose? Caractacus narrowed his eyes. They surely were not just going to let him go, were they? It struck him, flashing back to harsh learned lessons, that they were testing him. It was obvious now that they only offered him a choice to gauge his reaction. Of course they wouldn't just let a necromancer like himself walk away! If he refused, he surely would be cut down. Plastering on a smile, Caractacus nodded. [color=dimgray]"Of course I will j-join the pair of you."[/color] With a wave of his hand, the undead guardsman crumbled, wasting away into dust. It didn't feel right to do so, leaving just one zombie under his command, but whatever it took to avoid these warriors' ire he would have to do. At least until he was able to make his escape.