[@Write] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Behind the Café[/b] "[color=66cd00]Make sure of it.[/color]" Her grip had lessened, but Gratia Mindaro still refused to let go, her onyx eyes staring deeply into her friend's. "[color=66cd00]Stop chasing after the illusion,[/color]" she said finally, yet the intensity in her measured tones had lessened considerably. "[color=66cd00]That normalcy you seek will never amount to fucking anything.[/color]" Not after everything that had happened to Nuit. Not after every irritating piece of bullshit that had attached themselves to the birdbrain's life. With the pain that her friend had suffered in such a short amount of time, the presence of a mere one man would do nothing to heal those wounds. No matter how hard one wished. Her hand finally let go. Gratia Mindaro's voice was quiet. "[color=66cd00]There was no wrong in wanting that bitch dead,[/color]" was the ponytail-wearing girl's soft declaration. "[color=66cd00]There was no wrong in choosing to kill her.[/color]" That had been Nuit's choice alone. To kill was to take responsibility of someone else's life. "[color=66cd00]But ... do you regret it?[/color]"