Character Sheets Behind the Avatar [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [Include reason for playing Yggdrasil] [hr] The Avatar [b]Name:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Description and/or Image] [b]Race:[/b] [Specific Race: Race Type - Human, Demi-human, or Heteromorphic] [b]Gender:[/b] [Male, Female, or N/A for certain races] [b]Character Level:[/b] [1-100] [b]Alignment:[/b] [-500(extremely evil) -> 500(extremely good)] [b]Racial Class:[/b] [For example Momonga is an Overlord/Elder Lich/Skeleton Mage. Human races don't have this.] [b]Job Class:[/b] [Only need the [i]main[/i] class that most closely fits your character but can include all the classes if you want] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Equipment/Abilities Worthy of Note:[/b] [Only include equipment/abilities here that would be considered [i]game-changing[/i]. Player characters are all quite strong and have lots of abilities and equipment so only put very unique things here. No world-class items though.] [b]How a normal human would view me:[/b] Quick rundown of race types: Human, Demi-human, or Heteromorphic. 1. Human races include elves and dwarfs and have no racial levels. This makes them able to be more versatile job wise, have the access to most kinds of equipment plus the highest quality equipment, and no overt weaknesses or strengths outside of their build path. 2. Demi-human races include most [insert here] men species like lizard men, rabbit men, etc. They have better base stats than most but equipment types can become limited. 3. Heteromorphic races include species considered very removed from humanity, even if they were originally human like skeletons. These races tend to get the strongest racial benefits but also the worst racial weaknesses as well. Because of their often unique body structures or racial attributes equipment types can be very limited and certain things like armor types nonexistent all together.