[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_-cZSGzpPA[/youtube] [color=bisque][i]Tick Tock[/i][/color] [b]7 AM[/b] [color=cornsilk] Wake up call. Smithers, the kind old fellow with the constantly stained beard will yell at with that dusty cough of a voice. [i]"UP, guys. Come on, like clockwork. You know the motto" [/i][/color] [color=bisque][i]Tick Tock [/i][/color] [b]10 AM[/b] [color=cornsilk] You attend to the usual crowd, the unbroken ones. The ones that don't step in rhythm to the clocks that litter everywhere. The ones that don't stare, don't eat in sync. You are the only ones talking in the court yard today. You do so, even if you hate socializing. It's the only time you can drown out the ticking.[/color] [color=bisque][i]Tick tock[/i][/color] [b]12[/b]: AM [color=cornsilk] You can hear the guards putting up some new wall clocks as you pass to the second mess hall. No room is used twice in a day. The group try to stay together but the guards find a reason to split you up and take you another way. You peek at a big window to outside. The only window that shows anything of a city, it is the massive clock tower face in the distance.[/color] [color=bisque][i]tick tock[/i][/color] [b]1 PM[/b] [color=cornsilk] You are put forward to the psychologists. He probes you with unspeakable machinery from electronics to strange visual devices. The monitors and the wires always leave you with a haze, when you leave you feel different but rested. Your friends sometimes don't recognize you.[/color] [color=bisque][i]Tick tock[/i][/color] [b]2 PM[/b] [color=cornsilk] You are put in the courtyard. Here games are played but you long forgotten the point of them. They all require extreme monotony to do such as putting a ball into a waist high hoop a stated number of times. Sometimes a guard will come in a ask you to do some stimuli straining chore, like reorganizing an entire years worth of food stock alphabetically or shines the entire staff's boots. The most entertaining thing you can do is make clocks.[/color] [color=bisque][i]tick tock[/i][/color] [b]4 PM[/b] [color=cornsilk] The best part of the day. It's the only time you get anything resembling fun. You attend a class of your choosing. Most of the options are limited and swap between using you as cheap, factory grunt labor but here there is only one clock in a big, big room. Sometimes you learn things here.[/color] [color=bisque][i]tick tock[/i][/color] [b]5 PM[/b] [color=cornsilk] You return to your cell. You are given the freedom to visit and leave the cells of others but guards and Metal Men patrol the area constantly and all avenues of escape are locked or bolted. Sometimes both. These days it seems only you and your group visit each other regularly. You used to trade the small luxuries like cigars or dirty pictures, now you trade anything that can dampen the ticking. The guards always take them but at least they let you sleep.[/color] [color=bisque][i]tick tock[/i][/color] [b]7 PM[/b] [color=cornsilk]You are taken to the library to pick one book to read. It's a part of your therapy. timed how long you take and the guards will force you to read your material. Most of the books have to do with odd, old, historical topics, myths, biblical verses, the law itself, stories about good Samaritans, books on how to be empathetic and clock work. You hear there is a private section for class pertinent material.[/color] [color=bisque][i]tick tock[/i][/color] [b]8 PM[/b] [color=cornsilk] You go to sleep. Sometimes you managed to muffle your ears with smuggled material, sometimes the ticks follow you into your dreams. You hear Smithers walking down the hall as you drift into darkness.[/color] [/center] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [hider=What is this?] It's basically a single scenario, brief "gamey" RP where you play as a small group of people who inevitable want to escape from the Precise Personality Penitentiary who's motto is "Everything like clockwork" which speaks just as much about their methods as it does their philosophy. This takes place in a steam punk universe, the outside city are classically so although their capacity for high tech, functioning equipment is low. The universe capacity to produce fantastical equipment is high. EG: you can expect to see fully functional robots, but they would all have clunky and awkward designs/movements. You may see laser guns but their reload, charge and ammo consumption would be flawed at best. [/hider] [hider=The Precise Personality Penitentiary] One of the most praised prisons parading as a luxurious mansions, a mansion outfitted with a large amount of internal security that range from bolted down furniture, excessive locks on everything, an overmanned security staff, multiple psychologists with devices for enforcing compliance and metal me patrolling everywhere. You are sure there are other things enforcing pacifism here too because you haven't seen none of the obvious fine china display in some of the rooms stolen or destroyed at all. You're characters know that something strange is going on from the way all the prisoners act and the odd practices of the prison although what they know is limited- and so will you be, nope, no meta plot knowledge here- your job is to escape, every couple of posts an hour will pass. Although sometimes this will be contextual: your dude punching someone won't constitute towards the hour passing, but you sleeping, talking, planning or doing time consuming events might. Group events-such as meetings- always count towards an hour. You won't be forced to immediately make a great escape from the prison, you can play it cool and try to obey the laws but work on the side in secret or you can simply try to bull rush it. It's really up to you guys.[/hider] [hider=How it will be played] you will be given character skill determiners: your criminal life/past. Which give you certain stats, perks and knowledge. Your class: the options will be listed in the OOC which will give you further specific skills and knowledge. Your Compliance: how cooperative and orderly you were up to now in the story line. You would have been at the prison for a couple of months now before the RP starts. This determines thing that might of been done to you and is sort of the "wild card" of the choices as you can be given extremely negative effects/ item but that has positive applications. The time at the prison itself will have your character punished emotionally, mentally and physically so even if you were a muscle bound bouncer that got sent here for popping a mans skull with your bicep; you will be suffering muscle atrophy at the start. Most things will be based on 3 factors: stats(how good your character is) logic (how good your reasoning is) and time (how much either can be applied) sometimes if logic and writing is good it will win out over stats. Certain things like charisma won't give you instant win like strength does, successful charisma checks give you personality and mood clues. EG: Smithers is angry. Smithers values employment and being useful above all else. Same with intelligence: it won't solve a riddle, but it will give you clues or clues to something that can give the answer. [/hider] [hider=POSTING:] Post at least once a day. If you don't and provide no reason you get 2 day-including the one you didn't post- to provide a reason or post. If it keeps happening or you don't reply your character dies. IF you have a really, really good reason: EG: you were in a car crash or something. You character will have been caught in RP and now just escaped from an extensive therapy session. Post at least 2 paragraphs. This is ignored for contextual things: eg: I don't expect you to filler 2 paragraphs just to say you read a sign or...you pick up a cup, but try to add a little jazz to it. When you post, tag any other players that you may be interacting with, this includes me if you're replying to an NPC or specific action. [/hider] I don't normally post stuff here, but I notice that anything with any sort of stats or gamy perks tend to be turbulent at best in the other threads. So, I'm giving here a shot. This RP will be more akin to a dungeon or a one off adventure and is not intended to be a massive arc by itself. It begins in the penitentiary and it will end with your epilogues if you manage to escape.