I always miss the drama. Well, most has been said but another against new thread. Tried it once before, it didn't turn out well. On the otherhand, I like the idea of overarching plots because it gives us a purpose, something to build up towards, a climax, and ultimately, an ending. Oh no, an ending?! Why would you want this to end?! ect. You say. Because that is what makes a story. I could copy and paste deep philosophical quotes by famous authors on endings, but I won't because I don't feel like it. Here is the cold fact: this will not last forever. Sooner or later it will lose traction and die out. Its inevitable, but hopefully not anytime soon. So while we have this brief period where we look around and see we have this great thing built and going, instead of consigning it to a slow, horrible death by inertia, lets make a story, one that will end satisfyingly, then we can step back and be proud of what we have achieved. After that, who know? We or someone in the future can continue where we left off, or we will simply move on to other things, to write other stories. Character interactions can continue, and we can still keep the fluid sandbox concept. But with a plot that will eventually reach a conclusion. How we do it is another conversation entirely. I have some ideas, but they don't belong here. This is just me trying to convince you that a definate plot is a good idea for the RP and a healthly one too.